Home » President's Message » VHA Helping Hands – President’s Message (May 2021)

I want to start my letter this month by saying THANK YOU. With the help of a VHA email blast, The VHA website the Daily Sun, VNN, and the residents of Florida’s Friendliest Hometown, our Equipment for Donation event was a resounding success. Most of all, I want to thank the Volunteers of the VHA Helping Hands Neighbors-Helping- Neighbors program. Without them we would not have had the opportunity to take over 5,000 calls during the last 12 months and assist those in need of medical equipment.

Do you know where the equipment offered by Helping Hands comes from? The VHA has events like Bingo and the Country Western Hoedown that supplement the cost of running our program, but the biggest impact for us is the generosity of residents when they drop off equipment to add to our inventory or make cash donations to replace or purchase spare parts for the over 900 pieces of equipment we currently have. It is your generosity that keeps the Helping Hands program up and running for residents of The Villages.

Please remember:

  • For our residents, the phone line remains open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. The equipment request line is (352) 973-2284. Leave a message if we fail to answer. We will return your call.
  • For those wishing to use email rather than calling in your request, write us at: [email protected]. When using this service leave your name, phone number, and the equipment you are requesting. We will respond to your request.
  • Equipment can be picked up at, or returned to our office Monday thru Friday between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
  • All residents and staff must have their temperature checked and wear masks while conducting transactions.
  • All returned equipment should remain outside the door until sanitized by office staff. If possible, please have your ticket number or copy of your receipt when returning equipment. That will expedite the return process.
  • Our location is 1104 Main Street, a half block from the Spanish Springs Town Square in the breezeway next to Kilwin’s Ice Cream, Fudge and Chocolates.

I believe these simple procedures will keep both the residents and volunteers safe and our program open.

In closing, we can always use more volunteers who might consider joining our team. Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at (352) 973-2284. 

VHA Helping Hands is a not-for-profit corporation (501 c3) recognized by the laws of the state of Florida.

God Bless, stay safe, and thanks for the opportunity to serve.

Bill GottschalkPresident
The VHA Helping Hands, Inc.

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    Spend time with fellow residents and create friendships along the way

  • Philanthropy

    Providing for those in need through our VHA Foundation and Helping Hands

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