Home » General » The VHA Foundation Provides You an Opportunity to Make a Difference

One of the key tenets of The VHA is “Make a Difference”. We have a fantastic opportunity for you to do so through the tax-exempt foundation we have. The VHA Foundation focuses on providing grants to resident-focused nonprofits in our effort to enhance the community lifestyle of Villagers and provide support for the community at large. Recent grant recipients include organizations that support aging-in-place issues, such as Alzheimer’s and dementia education, caregiver assistance and support of other needy organizations, such as Operation Shoebox, which provides care packages to active-duty military personnel who are currently deployed.

Consider donating to The VHA Foundation to support these efforts and “Make a Difference”. Perhaps you would like to make a difference by establishing a special fund to support a particular organization or need you are inclined to support. Our all-volunteer committee made up of your neighbors is ready and willing to answer any questions you may have. As mentioned, all donations are tax exempt, so please consider including The VHA Foundation in any giving program you might have.

We are also eager to support organizations you feel meet the mission of the Foundation. A grant application form can be found on our website, /foundation/, or you can scan the QR code below.

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  • Communication

    Bring YOUR voice to our community

  • Education

    News and courses to enlighten and inform

  • Volunteering

    Because we can't do our job without you!

  • Social Opportunities

    Spend time with fellow residents and create friendships along the way

  • Philanthropy

    Providing for those in need through our VHA Foundation and Helping Hands

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