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District Information

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to learn more about The Villages Independent Fire Control & Rescue District.

You can now access the Fire District Assessment Rate Calculator by going to the Districtgov.org website and under Quick Links, click on The Villages Independent Fire Control and Rescue District.  Located under the photo of You Decide on Nov. 8th, click on the Fire District Assessment Rate Calculator and follow the instructions. This simple search will provide the estimated amount, based on the best available data, you will be paying on your tax bill if the Independent Fire District is approved by the voters on November 8, 2022. If you have any questions, please call the District Office at 352-753-4508

Also, we are excited to announce that we will be having Government Day this year.

After two years of not gathering for this exciting annual event, I am pleased to invite you to celebrate our 25th Annual Government Day!  In keeping with our theme of Local Government in Action…Working to Serve Your Hometown, your local government agencies will provide information about the services they provide to the community in Lake, Marion, and Sumter Counties.  With this being our first Government Day in two years and celebrating 25 amazing events, I know your local government agencies are excited to see you again!

While we look forward to your attendance, please note that this event is not intended to be used for political campaigning. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring this is a positive experience for everyone!

This year, Government Day will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Eisenhower Regional Recreation Complex located at 3560 Buena Vista Boulevard in The Villages.  Eisenhower is located just north of SR44, making it the perfect location for Government Day.

I hope we can count on you to take part in this great event and celebration of 25 years! 

Kenny Blocker,
District Manager


  • Political signs rules
  • For information on displaying signage at your residence, please refer to your Declaration of Restrictions or contact Community Standards at 352-751-3912.
  • Signs may not be placed on, against, implanted, or affixed to the interior or exterior of District property. Signs placed on District property will be removed and the District is not liable for the return of removed signs.
  • No political campaign signs, flyers or related documents are to be posted on District bulletin boards and, if discovered, will be removed immediately.
  • Signs may be held by Candidates or their supporters.
  •  Signs may be affixed to golf carts or Low-Speed Vehicles.

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