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VHA Town Hall Meeting

July 2022

The VHA wants to thank the following people for providing answers to questions from VHA members and Villages residents for the VHA Town Hall meeting:  Dr. Gary Lester – Vice President Community Relations, Carrie Duckett – Deputy District Manager, John Rohan – Director of Villages Recreation and Parks, Lt. Robert Siemer – District Lieutenant from the Sumter County Sheriff’s Department, Bradley Arnold – Sumter County Administrator, Deborah Synder – Director of Public Works, Sumter County.

The next VHA Town Hall Meeting will be in October. 

Questions may be sent to the VHA at any time at thevhastag.wpenginepowered.com.

Note:  Some questions sent for this Town Hall meeting were recently asked and answered.  The complete Q & A of previous Town Hall Meetings are posted on the VHA website.           

To send feedback to the District Government, go to www.districtgov.org.  Scroll down lower left and click on “Submit Feedback, Inquiry, or Concern.” i.e. landscaping, multi-modal paths, etc.

To send feedback to the Developer, go to www.thevillages.com.  Scroll down to “Get in Touch” and click on “Provide Feedback.”

  1. Please provide movie theater updates for the following:
    Opening the Rialto and Brownwood theaters for movies.
    Revised usages of the Rialto and Brownwood theaters.
    Purchasing movie theater tickets online.

Dr. Lester: The movie industry shows signs of bouncing back from the pandemic lows with the release of TOP GUN to movie theaters only.  We will continue to monitor the need for additional screens as more of these popular movies are released.  We also still have the capacity to add additional show times at Old Mill.  In terms of purchasing tickets online, residents currently have that service available at www.thevillagesentertainment.com – click on “Movies”

  1. What is the status of the new hospital planned near the Florida Turnpike?

Dr. Lester:  Planning for a new hospital continues; follow Daily Sun for accurate updates. 

  1. Would the Developer consider partnering with other agencies in establishing a botanical garden with large acreage and walking trails?

Dr. Lester: This question reflects the popularity of our current walking trails and features like the Devon Wiechens Preserve and the Hog Eye Sink Trail.  We certainly would welcome other agencies in the area that wish to create such features on their property.

  1. When completed, what will the new bridge over the Florida Turnpike look like?

Dr. Lester: The appearance will be similar to other automotive bridges crossing over the Turnpike.

  1. What are the ramifications in the first twelve (12) month of purchasing a new home in The Villages? i. e. selling the home for  profit.

Dr. Lester: Please refer to your Deed Restrictions.

  1. Where will the designated parking places be located for the Spanish Springs town square apartments?

Dr. Lester: Per a provision in their leases, renters will park in an area to the rear of their building.

  1. Are there plans to add a swimming pool to future country clubs?

Dr. Lester: No changes are contemplated in the placing of pools.

  1. Is there a different ratio of executive golf courses being built south of SR 44 from the north per number of houses?

Dr. Lester: While the ratio can vary up or down depending on new course openings and the suitability of a certain area for building a golf course, there continues to be a consistent percentage of available tee times.

  1. How does the number of executive course closures for maintenance compare in the summer of 2022 with summer 2021?

Carrie Duckett: The number of scheduled Executive Golf course closures for maintenance is the same this summer as they were last summer.  Each Executive Golf course is scheduled to be closed twice a month for routine maintenance.  A schedule of course closures is available on the Executive Golf page at www.DistrictGov.org.

Q.  Why are Yankee Clipper and Volusia closed for a long time?

A.  Yankee Clipper, Volusia, and Palmetto were closed for the Project Wide Advisory Committee (PWAC) approved capital improvement project for cart paths.  We are currently in the final phase of sodding around the paths and punch list items, including the contractor repairing some concrete in warranty areas. We anticipate the courses opening back up at the end of July 2022.

  1. Soliciting has become more prevalent in The Villages. How can this be addressed?

Carrie Duckett: If you report solicitors to Community Watch or Community Standards, they will contact the business and inform them that soliciting is not permitted.

Lt. Siemer: If a solicitor refuses to leave when asked, call 911.  Reminder that purchasing items from solicitors encourages solicitors to continue coming to The Villages.

Q.  What about canvassing residents?

A.  This is different as it is not soliciting / selling a product.

11.  Please explain why bicycles and e-bikes are permitted on the narrow paths of the Hogeye Preserve. They are traveling at 15-20 mph passing walkers many of whom are wearing ear buds or having hearing issues.  There have been two people hit from behind and knocked down.

John Rohan: The variety of multi-modal paths, trails, and pathways are all designated with approved uses.  Based on the type and size of the path along with the designated signage will share what is allowed and not allowed.  The design and width of Hogeye allow for e-bikes, bikes, walking, and jogging as approved uses. E-bikes are considered non-motorized vehicles unlike golf carts and therefore are allowed on this pathway.  We encourage residents to practice safety and courtesy when using any of our paths, and trails.

  1. New residents in the historic section of The Villages have asked:
    a.  In which district is the historic section?

Carrie Duckett: The Lady Lake /Lake County portion of The Villages is not located in a Village Community Development District.

         b.  Where can a resident in the historic side locate the deed restrictions?

Carrie Duckett: Deed restrictions can be found on www.District.Gov.org  – by clicking on the ‘How Do I’ – Download My Deed Restrictions Link. 

          c.  Who enforces the rules and regulations in this area?

Carrie Duckett: The Village Center Community Development District enforces in this portion of The Villages.  Community Standards can be reached at 352-751-3912 for assistance in deed restrictions and architectural review. 

  1. What is the schedule of maintenance for trimming trees and bushes that block vehicular sightlines on roadways and multi-modal paths?

Carrie Duckett: As plant material, shrubs, and trees grow over time, they can encroach upon line of sight issues and cause impairments to pedestrians, golf carts, cyclists, and automobiles.  While all trees and shrubs are routinely maintained and trimmed to the standards of The Villages, they also grow over time, despite the constant trimming and maintenance.  When a line of sight issue is brought to the attention of District Property Management, we immediately evaluate the situation and take corrective action, which may be more aggressive pruning or trimming, removal, and replacement.  While our Supervisors are constantly looking for any line of sight issues, we cover nearly 80 square miles of landscaping and thus we rely on our residents to report these types of issues to ensure the safety of all of our residents, and their guests.  Call Property Management 352-753-4022.

  1. As new homeowners in the Village of McClure on Biller Circle, we understand that trashcans are not permitted. However, several homeowners are using trashcans, which the sanitation workers empty and place back at the curb.  Are trashcans now permitted?

Carrie Duckett: Per the Declaration of Restrictions, trashcans are not permitted.  To report a potential violation, contact Community Standards at 352-751-3912.

  1. When a landscaping company completes their work and places their sign on the lawn, how long is the sign permitted to remain?

Carrie Duckett: Each District has its own rules for signs.  Please contact Community Standards at (352) 751-3912 to determine your specific sign restrictions.

  1. The white line into the Belvedere gate is faded making it difficult to see the separation between vehicular traffic and golf carts. What is the schedule for repainting this line?

Deborah Synder: We will look at the location to decide replacement of the pavement markings.

Q.  What about road markings in other locations?

A.  Carrie Duckett: Depending on the area, it can fall under the purview of the District, City, or county. You can report issues to Customer Service and they will forward to the appropriate entity.

    17.  What is The Villages policy on flying political flags other than American or military flags?

Carrie Duckett: As a governmental entity, the District does not regulate the content on flags.  The only thing that we have the ability to regulate is the placement of the flagpole itself to ensure it is not located in an easement and that the homeowner had permission from the ARC for the flagpole.  We do not require that flags be a specific content (or that they not be a specific content).

  1. What is the setback distance between homes? A neighbor is planning to add a screened in cage that will interfere with sightlines and privacy.

Carrie Duckett: A review of your specific Deed Restrictions and site plan is necessary to determine setbacks between neighboring homes. Please contact Community Standards at (352) 751-3912 and they can assist you with reviewing your specific Unit.

  1. How can we address the issue of noise from adults and children from non-stop short-term rentals of neighbors’ homes?

Lt. Siemer: Call the Sheriff’s department if after 9:00 PM.

  1. What is being done to slow the speeding of vehicular and golf car traffic?

Lt. Siemer: There are three (3) units patrolling traffic daily.  In June, 1045 traffic stops were made.

Q.  Were all the traffic stops for ticketing drivers?

A.  No, some were warnings given either verbally or written.

   21.  Regarding vehicular and golf cart accidents in The Villages:

           a.  What is the average number of accidents?

Lt. Siemer: In June there was a total of 220 crashes counting vehicles and golf carts.

           b.  Where are the most common locations?

Lt. Siemer: Locations vary from month to month.

            cWhat are the most prevalent causes?

Lt. Siemer: Distracted driver is the most prevalent cause.

  1. Why are bicycles allowed on roadways and not restricted to multi-modal paths?

Lt.  Siemer:  Bicycles are allowed on roadways by regulations.

  1. What is being done to ensure there will be an adequate water supply in the future for all new and existing homes?

Carrie Duckett: There are numerous regulations in place to ensure a sustainable water supply in the State of Florida. The environmental regulation of water and/or wastewater utilities in areas such as water withdrawal permits, sewage disposal and health and safety standards is the responsibility of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the Florida Water Management Districts and the local county health agencies; there is a significant amount of information available on the respective websites.  The water, wastewater and irrigation utility services in The Villages are subject to these regulations and permitting requirements with regard to safety of the water supply and providing adequate capacity to the community. Based on the permits issued to date for existing and future areas of The Villages by the responsible agencies, there is adequate water supply to sustain existing and future growth.

  1. Does The Villages have any procedure in place to clean the roads?

Deborah Snyder:  Sumter County sweeps all the county maintained roads in the Villages Districts One through Three and Five through Ten every other month.  We employ a contractor to perform this work.  If the residents have a particular location in mind, we can review and send one of our Team to review the location.

As for the City of Wildwood, they sweep their streets on an as needed basis.

  1. If the vote for The Villages independent fire district is passed, when will the amount of property tax paid to Sumter County show as a savings?

Bradley Arnold:  The Property Appraiser will not certify the property values or the number of parcels associated with the same until 6/30/23 as this information is the basis for the determination of the County’s General Fund Millage Rate, the MSTU rate for the Sumter County Fire & EMS service area, and the millage rate that Mr. Blocker would recommend to the newly created independent district for the fiscal year starting 10/1/23.

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