News Category: Central Area

Central Area
News from the Central Area (June)
Greetings, Neighbors and VHA members often ask me about things to do and places to see when they have family and friends visiting. …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (May)
Well, we finally had our first New Resident Night after suspending them for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While I understand …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (April)
While I am not a golfer, I am happy that others enjoy the sport and may have been drawn, at least in part, by the opportunity to play golf …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (March)
Here is the good news – March ushers in Spring and as Alexander Pope wrote in 1734, “Hope springs eternal”. And for most of us, I …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (February 2021)
Greetings! As I was beginning to put together this month’s article, the January Voice arrived. Inside was a great piece written by our …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (January 2021)
Well, here we are beginning a new year. This one has just got to be better than the last one. But even as I write this, I must admit …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (December 2020)
By the time you read this, Thanksgiving will have gone by and Christmas will be on its way. While these and other traditional religious …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (October 2020)
Have noticed that with all my free time, I have been able to read a lot more. My brother was a big reader and he was always talking …

Central Area
News from the Central Area (September 2020)
There is still not much to report from the Central Area this month as most people are still staying close to home to protect themselves and …
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