Home » District News » AAC & PWAC Budget For the Future

This past week the AAC (Amenity Authority Committee) and the PWAC (Project Wide Advisory Committee) had their second review of the proposed Fiscal Year 21/22 Budgets.  The total proposed 2021-22 operating budget presented for AAC is $42,019,980 and for PWAC $76,830,081.

Both committees have their respective role in shaping the capital projects and ongoing maintenance/operations of all District-owned amenities -Executive Golf, Recreation Centers, Pools, and Sport Courts.   The PWAC is also charged with providing recommendations for “common infrastructure” existing between County Road 466 and County Road 466A.  The amenity type features south of SR 44 are still owned and funded in entirety by the “Developer”.

Over the summer, the Committee work will continue until they each recommend a final budget to their respective Boards.   This work of staff and the committees is arduous.  Community involvement and input are encouraged as the public meetings have multiple periods of public involvement.  All of the materials associated with the committees and their respective work can be located on the www.Districtgov.org  website under the toolbar heading of “Committees”.  I urge you to take a look at the project listings as well as maintenance/operations as these projects shape the look and feel of The Villages.  We encourage your feedback.

The AAC is a committee of the Village Center Community Development District (VCCDD). The AAC is responsible for amenity services north of C.R. 466 which involves recommending budgets, developing policy and the operation of amenity facilities and services. The facilities under their purview include recreation centers, executive golf courses, gate houses and postal facilities.

The PWAC was established by Resolution 13-05 of the Sumter Landing Community Development District (SLCDD) and is comprised of a Board Supervisor from Village Community Development District No’s 5-11. The establishing resolution provides the PWAC will provide input, explore issues and provide advice and recommendations to the SLCDD on issues related to the maintenance of Project Wide Improvements.

Resolution 17-11 was subsequently adopted by the SLCDD on May 18, 2017 to expand the duties and responsibilities of the PWAC to provide input, explore issues and provide recommendations on issues related to SLCDD owned Amenity facilities.


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