Independent Fire Control and Rescue District
I am excited to announce that The Villages Public Safety Department (VPSD) rolled out the new ambulance service on October 1, 2022. VPSD will have 12 ambulances with one stationed at each of our nine Fire Stations with three on stand-by for overflow needs.
 The transition has been smooth with much thanks to the VPSD team and Sumter County for working with us to update the call center operations. We are very grateful to be able to provide this service to our residents and we believe this is one more added benefit of living here in The Villages.
Now you, as a voter within The Villages in Sumter County, will have the opportunity to cast your vote to create a new Independent Fire District. This is something that The Villages residents wanted when they voiced their opposition to the County creating one Fire Department. Now it is up to you, on November 8, 2022; “YOU DECIDE” at the voting booth if The Villages Public Safety Department becomes an Independent Fire Control and Rescue District. The Independent Fire Control and Rescue District would be governed by an elected board consisting of five members residing within the District boundaries. They will decide where every dollar is spent. There are 54 Independent Fire Districts in the state of Florida that provide excellent service to their residents and the opportunity to create our own Fire District would allow you, as a resident within the boundaries, to have a Board dedicated to only providing this service to YOU.
The Villages is a unique community spanning over 80 square miles with approximately 140,000 residents. The median age in The Villages is 72.2 years. More than 19,000 veterans call The Villages “Home”. This great community deserves the very best in public safety, which is something The Villages Public Safety Department (VPSD) would like to continue providing as an Independent Fire Control and Rescue District.
More facts and information on The Independent Fire Control and Rescue District can be found at  or by calling 352-753-4508.
Kenny Blocker, District Manager